Selasa, 18 September 2007

Amazing Money Tip #1:

The great scientist Albert Einstein once said, "It takes a genius to see the obvious." What he meant by that is that sometimes the simplest things in life are the most powerful ... but because they are so simple, we tend to ignore them, and not let them work for us.
One of the simplest but most powerful money making ideas is this: Keep a daily log of everything you spend. Go to the dime store and buy a little notebook. Carry it with you wherever you go. Write down every penny - every single penny - you spend every day. It's as simple as that.

If you do this, you will find something magic happening in your financial life in just a few weeks.

There is something incredibly powerful about writing down all your expenditures. It makes the flow of money through your life more real and exact. It shows you simply and clearly just where you are spending your money, on what and why. Once you know that, it becomes much easier to
control your spending.

Many people who have taken up this practice have not only learned something about themselves which they never knew before, but they are often astounded.

For example, one woman realized through examining her notebook that she actually spent nearly $2,000 per year on diet soft drinks, snacks and candy bars! Since her job as a office clerk brought her a scant $12,000 per year, she realized that one-sixth of her entire income was being frittered
away on something entirely frivolous. The woman gave up the snacks and drinks, and found she had enough money to afford health insurance - plus has $400 left over. If you could choose snacks or health insurance, which would you choose?

The point is, it was her daily expense log that helped her achieve the insight and clarity she needed to get control of her finances. That's what a simple spending record will do for you - it will give you control over your spending, and thus your financial life. There may be nothing but a 75-cent notebook and a ballpoint pen between your life of financial struggle and financial freedom.

...wait the Amazing Money Tip #2...(soon)

Senin, 17 September 2007

What you give, You get in Return (Pasti)

I have just received an e-mail from a fellow UI alumnus who has been supporting me in his own way. He was surprised and touched when I did something for him that he didn’t expect me to do. I did it for him because I truly appreciate what he did for me. After all, what I did was sharing to the world.

Sharing > Triggered Sharing > Triggered More Sharing
I said to him cheerfully,
What you give to the world, you’ll get in return.
What you give to me, you’ll get in return.

There is nothing to be scared of giving. The more we give to the world, the better chance that our positive vibrations be accepted and at least receive a reciprocal response along the way in different forms. Just don’t expect anything in return (jangan mengharapkan apapun, let it be a surprise for you).

I didn’t realize how powerful this “giving” thing is. Saya sama sekali tidak menyangka betapa banyak berkat yang saya terima karena kebiasaan ini. Dari membalikkan kesusahan hidup menjadi kemenangan sampai mendapatkan sahabat-sahabat yang sangat mengasihi saya.

Kita semua bisa mengatasi kesusahan hati dengan berbagi dan memberi. Memang kalau belum terbiasa agak sulit untuk memulai, tetapi kalau sudah terjangkit “virus”nya, malah sulit untuk berhenti.

Bagi yang punya pengalaman soal hikmah dari memberi dan berbagi, sharing dong di sini, jadi kita semua bisa saling belajar dari satu sama lain.

I have a few people whom I love so dearly simply because of their spirit of giving. I’ll share more about who they are in the following postings about Six Degrees. Sabar ya.
Source: Jennie S. Bev

Sabtu, 15 September 2007

Starting with Your Mind

“It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.” ~RenĂ© Descartes

We are born as winners, that’s for sure. If you’re not sure, again, re-read my books. You’ll find it again and again and again. “Brain wash” your mind if you still believe that you’re not a winner. For some reasons, I was born with a “winning attitude,” that’s why many people who don’t know me well may think that I’m kinda arrogant or overconfident. Whatever they say, the show must go on.

(Especially for a woman, it is hard to really stand up for myself. I’m supposed to be the “weaker” sex, the “lemah lembut” dan “pasrah” one. In many ways, I still am feminine, but in terms of attitude, I’m a winner.)

Biarlah mereka bilang apa saja mengenai saya. Kalau dipikir-pikir, semua leader besar percaya akan diri mereka sendiri. Itulah juga mengapa begitu banyak leaders alias pemimpin yang mendapat oposisi. Why? Because we can’t make everybody happy.

You too, if you use your mind in a positive and powerful way, may find many oppositions. However, the advantages would override the disadvantages. Believe that you can and be the best that you can be. Percayalah bahwa Anda bisa, walaupun kedengarannya “sok PD banget.” Mengapa? Karena dengan mindset sukses, akan lebih banyak yang bisa Anda kerjakan dan Anda berikan kembali kepada mereka yang sungguh-sungguh membutuhkannya.
(Source Jennie For Indonesia by: Jennie S. Bev)